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How to develop your key people or young high potentials their leadership skills in a global way? The comprehensive mentoring program offers a tailor made journey. 

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For whom

People that grow fast and who can keep on growing for a while. Your diamonds in the rough that are eager to learn, can learn and want to become a mentee to make a difference. Future leaders that are somehow ahead of the curve, show exemplary behaviour and a healthy ambition.

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What do you get?

Mentees will have developed a better appreciation of themselves and their mission in life. Their contribution to the company and what the company expects from them is put into that perspective. The goal is to achieve congruency between the individual’s behavior and their true self. The authenticity that is subsequently achieved allows both mentee and company to benefit most from each other.

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What is it about?

A one on one relationship between mentor and mentee based on confidentiality and mutual trust. An understanding of the mentees true self in terms of personality and motivation. Global cultural awareness exercise and training. A well-developed appreciation for the current state of the mentees leadership skills. A well-developed appreciation for in-company politics.

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6-12 months. It depends largely on the goals that are agreed at the start, the number of sessions agreed.

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Please contact Navigan for a personalized quotation.

Do you want to know more? Find out the options and
see if there is a match by calling +31 682 546 426. You can also request a call back by pressing the button below
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